Students are at the Heart of Everything We DoElizabeth School District
About Us
Designated “remote” by the Colorado State Census, Elizabeth is a rural town with a lot of heart and passion for their students. With only 46% of graduates going off to college, David Eddy – Colorado Site Director for Boeing and community team lead has sounded the alarm to improve career-connected learning in Elizabeth. United and excited by the opportunity to make a “bold change” in the Elizabeth School District, parents, teachers, school board members, and local business leaders are banding together to create the district that will stand out for their student outcomes in years to come.
Local Industries
Agriculture, business, healthcare
Design Team Leads
Douglas Bissonette, Superintendent, Elizabeth School District
David Eddy, Site Director for Boeing, Parent
Bret McClendon, Principal, Elizabeth High School
Elizabeth Area Chamber of Commerce
Elementary Schools
Middle School
High Schools
Charter School (K-8)
Elizabeth Graduation Rate*
Colorado Graduation Rate*
* (2019, four-year) 82.4% Elizabeth, 81.1% Colorado