Program Overview

Homegrown Talent Intiative is based on a shared goal and vision for the future, based on local strengths and needs. HTI does not prescribe a certain model of change or set of outcomes. However, certain elements are key to generating continuous improvement and expanding career-connected learning for students, schools, and communities.

Community Design Teams

Generate greater community buy-in and support with design teams comprised of school staff, students, community leaders, and local businesses.

Graduate Profile

A Graduate Profile, or Profile of a Learner, articulates the skills and competencies that the school and community will foster in all students. The Graduate Profile is co-created by the community design team.

Career-Connected Learning Continuum

Career-connected learning opportunities generate relevance and engagement for student learning by connecting classroom learning to future college and career options.

Career Connected Continuum

Coaching & Technical Assistance

Coaching support from experienced leaders to encourage design thinking, systems change, change management, business engagement strategies.

Innovation & Equity

Ensure new and existing opportunities reach all students, how to design programs that target students furthest from opportunity from 1:1 student interviews to school culture surveys.

Policy & Advocacy

Connecting state and local policy conditions to support systems change toward expanded career-connected learning, and training school staff and leadership to be champions of innovative, agile education policy. 

Theory of Change