Homegrown Talent Initiative focuses on building collaboration among K-12, higher education, and local industry – the educonomy – to provide relevant, engaging work-based learning experiences that align student interests with the needs of the local economy. In spite of the unanticipated challenges of 2020, eight HTI communities remain commited to career exploration, skill development, and student-centered programming. HTI efforts across the state include the following:
Clear Creek
Students participate in Board of Education meetings, developing and sharing multimedia presentations that push their communications and leadership skills. The Graduate Profile is also a prominent feature of board meetings and school discussion – students, staff and teachers can nominate their peers for modeling Graduate Profile characteristics.

East Grand
New work study opportunities, based on student input and interest, have been a new addition to East Grand and Middle Park High School. Partnerships with businesses throughout the region allow students to explore career pathways and gain professional experience in the workplace.

Elizbeth hired an HTI coordinator to manage day-to-day HTI programming throughout the district. From overseeing eight interns to finalizing certificate offerings to communicating updates to students, families and the community, the coordintor is a huge asset to Elizabeth’s HTI work.
Fremont is providing increased internship opportunities through a collaboration with Cañon City high school. Graduate Profile integration across the district links everything students are learning back to these competencies, increasing relevance of coursework.

Students, teachers, and families across Holyoke School District are embracing new opportunities for industry certificates, student-centered career planning, and flexible scheduling options that make sense for students’ learning in and out of the classroom.